
What are Dentures?

At McMurray Family Dental in McMurray, PA, we offer custom-made dentures to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Whether you need full dentures for an entire arch of missing teeth or partial dentures for some remaining natural teeth, our experienced team can provide exceptional solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our expert craftsmanship and advanced materials ensure that your dentures fit comfortably and blend seamlessly with your natural teeth and gums. Experience the benefits of our denture treatments, including improved aesthetics, enhanced speech, and restored chewing ability. Trust McMurray Family Dental for a confident smile and functional bite.

Full Dentures

At McMurray Family Dental, our dentists specialize in creating custom full dentures to replace all teeth in the upper or lower arch. Our goal is to provide comprehensive restoration for patients with complete tooth loss, ensuring a proper fit, functionality, and natural appearance.

We take precise measurements and use high-quality materials to ensure comfort, stability, and an improved smile for each patient. Our personalized approach involves listening to your concerns and goals to create full dentures that meet your unique dental needs and preferences. By understanding your specific requirements, we can deliver full dentures that align with your expectations and provide the best possible outcome.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are an excellent option for individuals who still have some of their natural teeth. These removable dental appliances feature replacement teeth on a gum-colored base that is supported by adjacent healthy teeth. McMurray Family Dental offers top-notch partial dentures that are skillfully crafted to resemble real teeth, providing you with a flawless and authentic smile.

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures use multiple implants to securely hold your dentures in place. This eliminates issues such as slipping, falling out, and discomfort often experienced by denture wearers. By placing implants and creating an overdenture that snaps into place, we can provide a natural-looking and comfortable solution for restoring your smile. Say goodbye to messy creams, gels, and adhesive strips with this innovative option.

What are the reasons for needing Implant Supported Dentures?

It is common for dentures to become ill-fitting due to factors such as weight changes and aging. If you are constantly using strips and adhesive gels to keep your denture in place, consider switching to implant-supported dentures. These are a better alternative as the implants are permanent and do not need to be replaced over time.

Who qualifies for Implant Supported Dentures?

In order to assess your eligibility for implant-supported dentures, we will evaluate your oral health and assess your current dentures. This will help us determine if implants would be beneficial for you. If you have experienced bone loss, it may affect the success of the implants. In such cases, we may recommend bone grafting before proceeding with the implant placement.

What occurs during the process of placing Implant Supported Dentures?

To begin the process, we will provide you with sedation or anesthesia of your choice, which we will discuss during your consultation. Next, we will carefully make incisions through the gums and place the long, thin implant deep into the jawbone. The implants will then need time to heal, typically taking three to six months depending on your individual healing ability. Following this, we will create an overdenture for you using impressions. This denture is removable but will securely snap in place over the new implants.

For more information on implant-supported dentures, please contact us today to speak with one of our friendly staff members.

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