
Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a protective cap that covers the entire visible portion of a tooth, restoring its original shape, size, and color. Porcelain crowns are often needed for severe tooth decay, broken teeth, or as part of a root canal or dental implant procedure. At McMurray Family Dental, we specialize in creating custom-designed porcelain crowns that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. Our advanced technology enables us to provide same-day crown options for your convenience.

Is it possible for you to fix a damaged crown?

If you are experiencing issues with a cracked, loose, or missing crown, our team is here to assist you. We can either reattach the crown or suggest a better replacement option. Our crowns are meticulously made to ensure a precise fit and have a lifespan of over 15 years. Don't hesitate to contact us for any help you require.

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